We do Tax Planning.

We do Xero.

We do R&D Tax Credits.

We do HMRC Investigations.

We do Capital Gains Tax.

We do Business Restructuring.

We do Numbers.


Iwona Tucholska

Based in London – We are experts in tax, management accounts and innovation grants (no win, no fee).

Save thousands of pounds in Tax | Grow your business with professional unbiased advice.


“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.”– Guy Kawasaki

Iwona is a qualified advisor, has incredible organisational skills, she ensures that everything is in order. She enjoys working on Xero accounting system and helps clients on a day to day basis. She is able to quickly understand what needs to be done. She is a big advocate of processes in general and everything has to follow a set of steps to completion.

She has helped a number of clients to organise their books and complete management accounts. Her organised personality is helpful not only to Taxqube internally but also to the clients she works with. She manages people and ensures that everyone is happy in their roles.

Iwona is highly personable and empathetic, even when things go wrong, she is able to take a step back, understand the situation and come up with a plan. She is also in charge of company books and manages suppliers.

Apart from her role, she takes interest in arts, healthy living, yoga and cooking. She loves to host dinner for friends and family and always cooks one too many dishes for everyone to enjoy. She is a decent painter, her abstract paintings are modern and admirable, she sells them at auctions.


+ Helped a large security company organise their accounting records and even dealt with missing information.

+ Successfully helped an overseas client to regain his tax status in the UK and as a result continue to carry on trading as an overseas company director.

+ Part of the team who prepared management accounts which were presented to the board of directors of a large company based in London.

+ Managed to remove penalties from a client’s account due to unexpected events. Dealt with HMRC on behalf of the client and achieved positive results.

+ Prepared financial information for a client that was used to get advance clearance for an EIS investment scheme.

Email me – [email protected]

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