
TaxQube™ Group

Management Reports | Virtual Finance Director

We are a firm of chartered accountants and tax advisers supporting businesses and individuals with their accounting and tax matters.

Use FD Services to Help Grow & Manage Your Business

Your accounts are an important part of running your business. You can choose to have accounts prepared at year end or produce quarterly, monthly, or interim accounts. The more regularly you produce your accounts, the more likely you’ll be to have a clearer picture about how your business is performing.

You’ll also get better indications about any problems and challenges that may be on the horizon. With this service, you can move quickly and with more confidence when your financial position presents opportunities.

Even if you already have an internal finance department, we will produce and review your management accounts that will compare results with prior periods &/or against budget. We can also add useful information with key performance indicators to focus on the major drivers of your business.

taxqube Benefits

Business owners often tell us that as their business grows they feel a little less in control. So we talk about systems and procedures and when it comes to financial control, management accounts are often the answer.

We can meet with you or send you regular emails so to give you an opportunity to ask questions and better understand your business performance with the help of an experienced part-time finance director.

taxqube What value will I get from them?

This is our popular service and offers a good return on investment. For some clients we also help with their vat returns so, they know that their bills are calculated properly and if they get investigated, they have nothing to hide.

It changes the way you do business, you get a greater level of visibility into the company and also a regular reminder of what is currently going on in the business. When reports are properly prepared, you’ll know that all key control accounts are reconciled which means the figures in your accounts are reliable. You’ll know what the key performance indicators are to monitor performance; and these can be as simple as your sales, your gross profit margin, average order size, number of sales per month and so on.

taxqube What we can do?

We can work with you and your team to help you identify important numbers and ratios. We can review the work of your in-house finance team and we can publish and present the management accounts to the board.

taxqube Our Charges

Please complete the contact us form below and tell us which services are of interest. We are happy to agree a fixed fee for the required services. We can offer you monthly retainers as per your requirements.

taxqube FAQs

How often should management accounts be prepared? Monthly reports are good as it allows you to quickly react to changes and get a better understanding of your business. Most expenses are incurred on a monthly basis and therefore, we recommend monthly accounting. However, if you are looking for a cheaper solution then quarterly reports are also a good alternative. We believe at the very least you should review the reports on a quarterly basis.

I’m not used to reading accounts, how will I know what to look out for? Well, it is a common question we get asked and the answer is to spend time in understanding these numbers, there is no shortcut if you don’t have a financial background, it takes years of training and learning for accountants to develop their skills. Pick up the reports and try to understand them. Ask questions, we will be with you to help.

It does become easier over time and you will feel in complete control of your business. It is probably the best thing you can do for your business. We can talk you through them and can provide written summaries highlighting key findings in plain English.

Will they help me in tax? Yes. That’s the whole point, it enables you to plan and see what’s going on in the business. It reduces surprises and gives you a much better return on investment.

I have my own finance team, so why would I need you? Not a problem, remember there is more to accounts than just preparing them. Accounts need to be meaningful and they should help you in decision making and strategy. However, it is unfortunately not the case for small to medium sized businesses when they can’t commit to hire a full-time and experienced Finance Director. We offer cost-effective retainers so you get the best value for a fraction of their market price.

Looking for a Specialist?

Our Expert Team Can Help

Experienced Tax Advisers | Monthly Fixed Fee | Chartered Accountants 

To find out more, complete the enquiry form or call us on 0208 1234 768

Please provide as much detail as possible. One of our experienced business advisers will contact you to discuss further.